
About UCSMP's Translation Series

UCSMP's English translations of foreign books and International Conference Proceedings are a special resource for anyone concerned with teaching or learning mathematics.
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Japanese Textbook Translations

Mathematics textbooks used in grades 7-9 in Japan, available from UCSMP:

  • Japanese Grade 7 Mathematics (1984): integers; positive and negative numbers; letters and expressions; equations; functions and proportions; plane figures; figures in space.
  • Japanese Grade 8 Mathematics (1984): calculating expression; inequalities; systems of equations; linear functions; parallel lines and congruent figures; parallelograms; similar figures; organizing data.
  • Japanese Grade 9 Mathematics (1984): square roots; polynomials; quadratic equations; functions; circles; figures and measurement; probability and statistics.

Mathematics textbooks used in grades 10 and 11 in Japan, available from the American Mathematical Society (1-800-556-7774):

Russian Textbook Translations

Mathematics textbook used in grade 3 (our grade 4) in Russia, available from UCSMP:

  • Russian Grade 3 Mathematics (1978): measurement; addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers; speed, time, and distance; area; fractions; multiplication and division by 2- and 3-digit numbers; word problems with variables.

Soviet Studies in Mathematics Education

Original Russian research in the psychology of learning and teaching mathematics and helpful introductory articles by U.S. specialists, available from UCSMP:

  • Volume 7: Geometry in Grade 1-4: Problems in the Formation of Geometric Conceptions in Primary School Children, A.M. Pyshkalo (1968). Demonstrates how knowledge of geometry can be built systematically in accordance with the van Hiele-Feudenthal theory of thought levels in learning geometry.
  • Volume 8: Issues in the Psychology of Abilities, V.A. Kruteskii, ed. (1973). Includes articles treating the mathematical abilities of primary as well as 9th- and 10th-grade Soviet students.


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