An Amazing Century: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going
Zalman Usiskin, Professor Emeritus of Education and Director of UCSMP, University of Chicago
Presented: May 9, 2014
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Metropolitan Mathematics Club of Chicago, at the organization's last meeting of the 2013-2014 school year, Zalman Usiskin presented a talk titled "An Amazing Century: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going”. The Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education and the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project are pleased to present a video of this presentation.
Background: In the 1913-1914 school year, the Men's Mathematics Club of Chicago (MMC) was founded. In 1972 the club welcomed women members for the first time and a year later changed its name to the Metropolitan Mathematics Club of Chicago. The MMC has a significant history that includes its being instrumental in the founding of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. For this, the MMC has NCTM affiliate charter #1. More information about the MMC can be found at
Videographer: Henrique Cirne-Lima
Location: Fountain Blue Banquet and Convention Center, Des Plaines, Illinois
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
T: 773-702-1130
F: 773-834-4665