Peter DeCraene named 2011 Presidential Awardee for Illinois
June 27, 2012
We are pleased to spread the news that Peter DeCraene, one of the authors of Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics, has been named by the White House as the Presidential Awardee for Illinois for 2011. He and a guest will be in Washington DC from June 27 to June 29, 2012, to receive his well-deserved Presidential Award.
That ceremony takes place during the Recognition Event, when all the 2011 Presidential Awardees in Science and Mathematics gather for the Awards Ceremony and several days of professional development sessions, meetings with education leaders and congressional representatives. They also network and learn from other outstanding teachers, bringing back to their schools new knowledge and resources from this rich experience.
Currently, Peter is the Mathematics Department Chair at Evanston Twp. H.S., in Evanston, IL.
Peter is the 8th UCSMP Third Edition author to have been named a Presidential Award winner.
The others, and the books that they helped write, are as follows:
John Benson (1987): Geometry
Sue Eddins (1989): Algebra
Nancy Powell (1992): Geometry
Ray Klein (1998): Geometry
Matt Miller (2008): Geometry
Natalie Jakucyn (2002): PTM, TM, Algebra, Geometry, FST
Paul Karafiol (2010): Advanced Algebra, FST
All are Awardees from Illinois except Matt Miller, who is from Iowa.
Zalman Usiskin
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
T: 773-702-1130
F: 773-834-4665