Secondary Component

Zalman Usiskin, Director

UCSMP Grades 6-12

Under the belief that today's society demands advanced mathematical skills, UCSMP's secondary school curriculum targets not just students who will go on to college but all students who will graduate high school.

Third Edition UCSMP Grades 6-12 is now available through McGraw-Hill Education (formerly Wright Group / McGraw Hill).

The new secondary materials are based on the same student-centered, research-driven, and progressive principles that have guided UCSMP for over 35 years. The materials have been refined and enhanced on the basis of research studies and users' comments. For the third edition, the secondary component materials have been updated to include the following:

  • New problem settings that feature contemporary content and context
  • A greater focus on active learning, both individually and in groups
  • More algebra prior to the UCSMP Algebra text
  • Statistics incorporated to a greater extent throughout the curriculum
  • Active reading that engages students and helps create life-long learners who can read mathematics
  • Use of current technology, including graphing calculators, dynamic geometry systems, computer algebra systems (CAS), and the internet (for more remarks on technology in school education, click here)
  • Flexible lesson organization
  • Closer alignment with Everyday Mathematics.
  • The new text, Pre-Transition Mathematics, now begins the series. Intended primarily for students who are ready for a 6th grade curriculum, it articulates well with Everyday Mathematics, Transition Mathematics and UCSMP Algebra. Pre-Transition Mathematics provides another excellent option for elementary and middle-school mathematics teachers.

    Why add a new book to the third edition? Some middle schools have been asking for a text to precede Transition Mathematics (in the style of that book) since the first edition appeared in the 1980s. Pre-Transition Mathematics fills that need. It is designed to take average students from a strong 5th grade curriculum, such as Everyday Mathematics5, into Transition Mathematics. For some students, it is an appropriate text to follow Everyday Mathematics 6 (or other sixth grade materials).


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Chicago, IL 60637
T: 773-702-1130
F: 773-834-4665


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