Richard Morrow, 1926−2013

February 20, 2013

University of Chicago Trustee Emeritus and former chairman and chief executive officer of Amoco Corporation Richard M. Morrow, died on Jan. 21 at the age of 86.

Dick was the chairman and CEO of the Amoco Corporation when the Amoco Foundation in 1983 gave the money to the University that began University of Chicago School Mathematics Project. The amount and duration of the first grant, $6.4 million over 6 years, were unprecedented for the time. (The amount is equivalent to about $14−$15million today.) In 1989, still during his tenure, UCSMP received an additional $2.0 million. The key executives of the corporation constituted the majority of the directors of the foundation and there is no question that this money would not have been transferred to the University by the foundation without Dick's original and continuing support for our work. He was a good and thoughtful man.

Read the obituary on the University of Chicago website.


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